why do we do this??
i have a friend whos a member of AA and she goes out with us and doesnt drink....but on the other hand i have a friend who drinks till the cows come home...i often wondered why she does this..as far as i go, i dont drink that much i hate the feeling of being drunk, disoriented, and falling down.
I like to be connected. i like to know what im dong and whos doing what to me and watching whos just waiting for a drunk chick to take home and violate.
being drunk in public as a woman is classless, unresponsible and just plain ignorant.
then theres the girls who drink their problems away and those who start fights because they're drunk.
IM not saying that im better than them or anything but damn chick you cant hold your liquor so dont drink like a fish and say the next day "girl, you know how i get when i drink"....no excuses!!
i've often asked my friend when we go out not to drink that much so she she can be sober cause shes one of those people who get liquid courage and a nasty attitude with everyone!! ahhhhh!
When im ready to go out i make sure shes not drinking before we leave and i moderate what shes consuming cause theres nothing more unattractive than a drunk chick!!!