definition: historically, a mistress was also known as a kept woman,who was maintained in a comfortable or even lavish lifestyle by a wealthy man SO THAT SHE WOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR HIS SEXUAL PLEASURE!!!
but what about the women who choose to pursue only married men?
Is there a infatuation with these men?
is it the fact that he can settle down with one woman? that he is stable? but this woman hopes that he would choose her if things at home go bad?
or is it just that they love thrill of the chase?
lets look deeper:
alot of these women are younger, they dont know what they want and in the case of this married man sometimes its the allure of a father figure.
its the notion that hes "taking care of her".
A n d that she feels secure but in reality shes only there for his pleasure and ego.
Not all of these women are younger alot of them are older and they have a whole different set of issues:
not feeling loved(in their past or current relationships), failed relationships,
not knowing their worth (in terms of how you are perceived by these men)
im not falling for the gold-digger status many of these women come attached with but rather the low self-esteem issues whereas these women get a boost from these men saying that their wonderful and that their gonna leave their wives for them but, which almost never happens.
And then theres the cougars!!!
these women are desperate for a man..any man.
married, single, divorced,as long as hes breathing.
they may be widows themselves and dont want the inconvience of taking on another husband but will gladly take someone elses.
last but not least, the women who just dont care.
they have no deeper issue,
they love themselves and care for this man even if he isnt hers.
she does not care about your kids together, she doesnt care about your baby thats on the way, she DOES NOT CARE!!!
And will tell you in a heartbeat you shouldve been taking care of him or she wouldnt have to.
(what a BITCH!!! RIGHT??)
What do women like me and you do??
unfortunately, nothing.
we can threaten,fight, stalk, and in most cases leave our husbands but the decision to quit this behavior lies within our man..
And we all know if left up to them theyll do it as long as you dont find out.
Ladies, stick to your guns!! and if you find him cheating , no matter how much he apologizes hes still a liar and remember if you didnt catch him would he have told you???
as far as she goes:shes a loser and dont waste your time asking her questions( we cant resist!!!)
Or wanting to see what she says he said and all that other bull that doesnt matter....
your better than that and better than her.